Technological solutions

Solutions for the Construction Industry

The construction industry is probably the one that most directly affects people’s lives. All human beings directly benefit from the construction industry.

Construction is an industrial branch of the manufacturing sector that is responsible for the construction, repair, and renovation of infrastructures, such as highways, bridges, houses, parks, etc.

Equipment, Spare Parts, Accessories and Consumables for Welding, Cutting and more.

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The construction industry is undoubtedly one of the most important in the world in an economic sense. Starting in the 2020s, construction investment was estimated at $11 trillion and is expected to reach $15 trillion by 2023.

Another advantage of the construction industry is the number of jobs it produces and its relationship with other companies. If the construction sector in a country is strong, it will need a lot of inputs from other industries, such as metalworking and energy.

In addition, construction is a powerful growth engine due to the high levels of investment it requires. Obviously, a country’s growth can be measured by how strong its construction industry is.

Construction as an industry can be divided into three large blocks: the construction of buildings, infrastructure works (also known as civil engineering), and industrial construction. Let’s look at these sub-sectors in detail.

Public vs. Private Construction

In many Latin American countries, the construction industry is in the hands of the local government, which decides the infrastructure works to be carried out and tenders the projects among private companies. These construction works cover all kinds of buildings, from mines to manufacturing plants and homes for the population.

In contrast, in free market economies, construction is regulated by the local government, but private companies are free to create projects. Governments are only directly in charge of those construction works related to the security of the country or the general welfare, such as military bases and dams.

Solutions for industries

Construction of buildings

This sector includes the construction of residences and buildings for professional and commercial use, such as offices, stadiums, shopping centers, warehouses for industrial use, etc. These construction projects can be executed by individuals or companies. They can go from one home for a family to an office building to be sold to different companies.

These constructions are usually done in cities and generally, the governments only limit themselves to regulating them and giving them permits. The companies that run them are usually local and medium to small in size. Often these companies are dedicated to only one area within this sector. For example, a construction company may only build residential sites.

The specific operations within these construction projects are carried out by sub-contractors. They must move freely on the ground to make welds, etc. and for this reason, in general, the equipment they use must be portable, but with high performance. Inverter welding machines have been of great help to these professionals.

Solutions for industries

Infrastructure works

By this we mean large construction works that are carried out for the benefit of the entire community. This can include highways, dams, bridges, airports, tunnels, etc. It also includes the maintenance, repair, and renewal of these engineering works.

It is very common for these works to be government initiatives, which commission companies to carry them out. The companies that are in charge of these projects are generally large and, in many cases, international. Much of the planning is done at headquarters, while the day-to-day work is left to local sub-contractors. In cases where national security is at stake, governments designate a group of experts to audit the work.

A key aspect in infrastructure works is security. Not only must workers be able to carry out their work in a safe environment, and avoid being exposed to immediate or long-term health hazards, but the construction itself must be safe for the millions of people who use it throughout the years. its useful life. Hence the importance of complying with the regulations imposed by the authorities regarding civil engineering works.

Solutions for industries

Industrial construction

This is a construction sector that is responsible for erecting buildings for industrial use, such as manufacturing plants, oil extraction platforms, refineries, distilleries, metal-mechanic plants, etc. The technical maintenance of these constructions plays an important role in their durability and must be carried out by experts.

These are constructions that require a high degree of planning, since they are designed to be used for many years, in generally extreme conditions, with a minimum of maintenance. Often these buildings form industrial conglomerates and are isolated from the residential areas of the cities.

In most cases, these constructions are closely regulated by local governments. These buildings are expected to house a good number of people at any given time. The materials used are usually those available in the country. However, the equipment, such as welding machines, are the same models throughout the world. Miller welding equipment is distributed internationally and is widely used in creating the metal structures that serve as foundations in construction.

Technological solutions

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Equipment for Industries

Equipment for the construction industry

There is a trend in the construction industry to outsource the materials and services you need. The companies that plan construction projects are generally not the same ones that execute them. In turn, the construction companies, which are in charge of the works, often sub-contract other companies for specific tasks. This makes the panorama of companies that make up the construction industry very diverse.

Each of these groups of companies will require different equipment and machinery to fulfill their functions. In general, the companies that actually carry out the work will be the ones that need to obtain the industrial machinery necessary for their operations. Although there has always been the option of renting them, in general it will be more financially profitable for construction companies to buy the equipment.

For the metal structure that is gaining more and more ground in modern construction, welding and plasma cutting equipment are essential. In addition to equipment, many accessories and consumables will be needed to complete the tasks. Some of these consumables are welding filler materials.

Regardless of the sub-sector of the construction industry, the equipment and machinery they use can be similar. Therefore, now let’s see what are some of these necessary equipment and consumables for the construction industry.

What is ArcReach technology

ArcReach technology is a Miller invention that seeks to lower costs, improve safety and increase productivity on job sites. This technology is incorporated in most of the latest models of Miller welding machines.

ArcReach allows operators to make adjustments to weld parameters using the feeder or remote control. In this way, unnecessary trips from the workplace to the power source are avoided each time some of these parameters must be adjusted. In each of these trips, the operators lose time and may also have an accident. In the mining industry, ArcReach technology is almost indispensable.

Welding equipment

In construction places welding is a must. There is a constant need for equipment and materials that can satisfy the local quality requirements and produce a structure that will last for the years to come. In order to carry out these heavy jobs, generally in extreme environments, for long hours, construction companies use only reliable welding equipment.

These have clear advantages: maintenance is minimal, service life is long, the operation is simple, and performance is high. Some of these welding equipment, should be portable, to tackle needs on the fly. In cases where welding in the open field is required, engine-driven welders are the only viable option, since they do not require a connection to electrical power to function.

Miller CST-282

Miller Dimension 650 with ArcReach

Miller SubArc AC/DC 1000 Digital

Miller SubArc AC/DC 1000 Digital

Big Blue® 400 Pro ArcReach®

Big Blue® 400 Pro ArcReach®


Cutting equipment is needed wherever something is being built. In the construction industry there is always a need to cut construction beams and other components of the infrastructure. A portable cutting equipment, like the Hypertherm Powermax45 is ideal to get the job done. In some cases, the operations might require more power, and the Powermax105 SYNC can be the effective solution needed.

Construction beams need to be cut to accommodate to different positions and sizes. A portable cutting system like the Extreme Practibeam is an affordable and practical solution.

Hypertherm Powermax45 XP

Hypertherm Powermax45

Hypertherm Powermax105 SYNC

Hypertherm Powermax105 SYNC

T-Beam portable cutting system Practibeam

Portable Cutting System Extreme Practibeam

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